Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research

27635 - Sales Management

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27635 - Sales Management
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process of the subject is based on the combination of lectures, in which student participation is required, on cooperative learning, on the resolution of exercises and  discussion of cases of studies or readings and on  role-play activities.

5.2. Learning tasks

The learning activities that are prepared in the subject can be divided into:

-Lectures. They consist of lectures in which the teacher will exposed the content of each chapter in a clear way. To increase student motivation and participation and to improve student’s retention capacity, audiovisual material will be used. The objective of these materials is to exemplify the theory, highlighting the practical sense and usefulness of the transmitted knowledge. It is expected student’s participation during the lectures. In the lectures, the teacher will solve any doubt about the concepts explained and learned and  even, the teacher could look for creating debates among the students.

- Seminars or practical sessions in which practical exercises, numerical exercises or cases of study will be solved. Other activities that could be included in these sessions are the elaboration and presentation of team projects, discussion of news, readings or role-play activities. These activities can be done during the practical session or out of these hours, and could be done in teams or individually.

- Self-student working hours that include activities related to the learning of the theoretical and practical content of the subject, to the elaboration of projects (in teams or individually), to the information searching and analysis, ect.

-Assessment activities.

5.3. Syllabus

Chapter 1.- Definition and strategic role of personal selling

1.1. Definition of salesforce and relational selling

1.2. Strategic dimension of relational selling

1.3. Characteristics and function of the personal selling

1.4. Types of selling

Exercises and practice

Chapter 2.-  Stages of the selling process

2.1. Introduction

    1. Start of the relationship

2.2. Relationship development

     2.2.1. Negotiation

     2.2.2. Close of selling process

2.3. Relationship management

Exercises and practice

Chapter 3.- Selling techniques

3.1. Adaptive selling

3.2. Verbal communication

3.2.1. SPIN

3.2.2. AIDA

3.3. Non-verbal communication

Exercises and practice

Chapter 4.-Salesforce organization and planning

4.1. Definition of objectives and sales forecasting

4.2. Size of salesforce

4.3. Salesforce organizations

4.4. Design of sales share

Exercises and practice

Chapter 5.- Salesforce recruitment, evaluation and control

5.1. Salesforce selection and training

5.2. Salesforce control and evaluation

Exercises and practice